Helping Members of Our Community Stay Active
Join our assisted living community in Owatonna, MN
Assisted living services may be essential for you or your loved one as time goes on. If you need a professional team to oversee daily care, our community is here for you. Valley Terrace has been serving the Owatonna & Faribault, MN community for many years. Our experienced team provides excellent care for every resident and strives to keep them engaged and active in life.
Email us today if you have any questions about our facility.

How do we care
For Members of Our Community?
Staying active and engaged can become more difficult as someone ages. That's why we strive to create a community-driven space to help our residents stay connected. At our assisted living community, we:
- Meet medical needs
- Plan recreational and social activities
- Provide assistance with daily activities
We also have an on-site psychiatrist to help meet the mental health needs of our residents. Call 507-451-0722 now for more information on our assisted living services.

Meeting the needs of our residents
Assisted living communities have unique demands that must be met to best serve their residents. At Valley Terrace, we provide medication management and other medical services. From Insulin and medication management to a full array of services to help our residents manage their individual medical needs. Come and explore the many care options and view the room layouts we provide.
Your loved one will be in good hands with our dedicated team taking care of them. Speak to one of our experts today to learn more about our facility.